Are you looking for a mix of Halloween writing prompts and activities that allow your students to celebrate the holiday while still remaining academically challenged? Look no further!
This mix of silly, spooky and informative activities will be perfect for ANY elementary classroom.
Not able to even hint at these Halloween topics? My fall writing activity roundup is the right stop for you.

The Spookiest Haunted House (opinion)
Are you looking for a fun, spooky topic without actually using the H word (Halloween)?
Read aloud the book Hardly Haunted, then have your students create an imaginative haunted house.
They then can write about WHAT makes their house haunted. Have them think about their senses and use those detailed words to add excitement and life to their writing.

My Day with a Monster (narrative)
Nothing is spookier than a monster. Or is your monster sweet and fun? Let students decide!
Students of ALL ages will love this monster imaginative narrative where they get to not only create a monster but come up with all the things they would do with their monster in day.
Imaginative narratives are a great way to get students hooked on narrative writing.

How to Catch a Witch (procedural)
Are you looking for something fun to change up the monotony in your writing block?
I LOVE breaking up longer units with procedural writing.
This How to Catch a Witch project pairs perfectly with the book… How to Catch a Witch!
Students will read aloud the funny mentor text then come up with imaginative ways that they would catch a witch either at home or at school.

One Spooky Night (digital – narrative)
Halloween is all about being spooky.
This DIGITAL writing project makes a great center in your classroom or is perfect for distance learning classrooms.
Students will brainstorm ideas for what happened to them on their spooky (or not so spooky) night!
They will then turn their ideas into a well thought out and detailed piece on Google Slides.
Allow them to present and share with the class or to create a voice-over of them reading their story aloud.

All About Bats (informative)
When you think Halloween, you might think of bats, witches and vampires.
One way to mix the festivities of Halloween with the importance of grounding in standards is by doing some bat research.
As a class, have students research bat facts. Then, allow students to write individual projects all about bats!
Top it off with this fun craft and writing activity, and voila. Your Halloween writing prompts are done.

How to Make Frankenpudding (procedural)
Are you looking for a fun but academic project for the week of Halloween? Or perhaps something exciting to do during Halloween at school?
Frankenpudding is the EASIEST recipe that you can make at school.
Students also LOVE to decorate it. All you need are some pudding cups, green food coloring and this writing project to make your Halloween party a success.

The Best Candy (opinion)
Whether you are looking for an activity right before or right after Halloween without actually TALKING about Halloween, The Best Candy opinion writing project is a perfect idea.
Students can bring in candies from home or just think about candies they have tried at home.
After they have taste tested all the candies, give students time to write about WHAT candy is the best and WHY it is the best.
This is a really fun project and a really easy way to engage students and provide meaning to writing.

Pumpkins (informative)
Nothing says fall, autumn or Halloween like PUMPKINS!
Give students time to read books, watch videos and explore articles all about pumpkins.
Learn pumpkin facts such as what shapes and sizes they can be, how they are grown, where they come from, what you can do with them and more.
Then, have students compile their thoughts into this fun All About Pumpkins writing activity.

October Writing Journal
Are you needing to add something to your writing routine or centers that students can work on each day?
Use these festive writing prompts to engage students in different genres of writing.
Each day, students will either write or type about narrative, informative or opinion topics that all relate to Halloween or October.
This is a GREAT way to build writing stamina and to examine student writing growth throughout the year.
Final Thoughts
What are your favorite Halloween writing prompts or activities in your classroom?
Drop your ideas in the comments below for us to check out!
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