Ring in the new year by… following some amazing new teachers! Let the new year spark new ideas for your classroom by finding fabulous new teachers to follow on Instagram by clicking on #NewYearTeacherFollowLoop .
If you are a teacher-author interested in joining our open follow loop, please copy the picture and follow the text directions below.
1. Follow your host @the.mountain.teacher
2. Copy the image and text exactly how you see it onto a new post of your own (using the repost app or following my link in profile)
3. Click on the hashtag #NewYearTeacherFollowLoop
4. Follow everyone with this picture posted, like their photo and leave a comment or emoji that represents a goal you have for 2019
5. Give everyone 1-2 days to follow back
Any teacher is welcome to participate! Please do not follow accounts just to unfollow them soon after. If you are looking for some wonderful educators to follow, but do not want to post the image on your own page, feel free to follow the hashtag and find new amazing accounts to follow!