Make Sight Words Fun with this Easy Game


Looking for a way to spice up your sight word practice? Look no more! I introduced this game to my kids about two years ago and they LOVE IT! They ask to play it all the time and always want to see our new monthly theme.

How To Play:

The game is super easy! Each game has a different title, based on the theme of the month. This one is called “Boo!” for Halloween. The premise of the game is really easy to get. Students flip all of the cards upside down and put them in a pile that everyone can reach. Then, students take turn drawing cards and reading the sight word written on the card. Students need to read the word correctly, and the rest of the group needs to confirm that the word is correct. If they read it correctly, they keep the card. If it is incorrect, they fix it and put it back in the middle of the pile. The person who has the most cards at the end wins. BUT…. watch out for some of the special cards! 

If a student draws a boo! card, students have to put ALL of their cards back! Yikes! If students draw lose a turn, they put the card back and lose their turn. If they get a skip, they can pick one person to skip their next turn. Finally, if they get a reverse, the order starts going in a different way. If there are only 2 people, they get to go again.


This game has five built in levels of differentiation – there are sight words for pre-primer, primer, first, second and third grade. You can also differentiate this game by having students write the words, use the words in a sentence or cover and spell the words aloud. The opportunities are endless.


Snag this game for your classroom for EVERY season with the discounted bundle! Students will BEG you on the first day of the month to pull out your new game, and their success with sight words will start to soar.

Below are the individual sets included:

Teaching on a Budget?

This game would be super easy to recreate on note cards or popsicle sticks. Simply have your list of words ready, write them all down and add in some special attack words. Students will LOVE it just the same!

Played this game or a similar game before? Drop your review, tips or tricks in the comments!